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Together for West Philadelphia


TFWP's Mission: To facilitate collaboration within West Philadelphia among community, public, and private sector stakeholders to foster shared projects in order to maximize impact in the areas of health, education, food access and opportunity.

Did you know Philadelphia is a city made of many parts?!

How can You help foster a greater Community?!

k-12 OutreacH
and the Lecture Circuit

If you are interested in learning more about the the collaborative research of the Antarctic Paleontology Penninsula Project (AP3), consider scheduling an assembly at your school -- see what we did at Laddie D. Decker last spring. I'll also be speaking at some nearby Universities and Museums in the fall. Email me to find out when and where.

Did you know Science is about Asking Questions?!

What do You want to Know?!

Want to Meet A Paleontologist?

Click Here to Find Out How!

As Chair of the Scientists from Economically Developing Nations Award for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, I seek to help provide opportunities to researchers to reach an international audience and develop new collaborations in vertebrate paleontology. Each year the SVP provides a scholarship to one individual to attend the annual meeting and build new relationships based on their research. Our membership is always interested in visiting your classrooms and helping teach lessons about the life history of the planet. Visit the SVP Ambassadors Website for more information.



Did you know that sharks can help you learn  math?!

Did you know sharks are older than  Dinosaurs?!

Brain Ed! What are you thinking?


Science "After Dark" events, like those at the Franklin Institute give me the chance to talk about the human body and ways to study it. Outdoor events like "Science on the Parkway" allow my colleagues and I to feature a brain station. I built a “neuron” out of rope, a Frisbee, a couple buckets, and some pingpong balls to demonstrate action potentials and synapses for hours to children and adults! Want some ideas for brain games? Click here.

Did you know you can exercise your  Brain?!

Did you know Imagination is Important ?!

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